Freedom is not a convenience, my brothers and sisters, so this rethinking…somebody said, shifting powers. I have been listening to them talk about “shifting powers”. Power is not a gear that you shift. How do you shift power between yourself and Bill Gates, between yourself and George Soros…Look my friends, you either make alternative power, disrupt existing power or ignore existing power. Stop using placebos…I have a bunch of intellectuals and activists who want to engage in the business of giving society placebos. The progressive underdevelopment of our (African) society is because of three terrains. The terrain that accepts that black, brown, people of colour and Africans really have no notion of civilisation and therefore have the need “to be civilised”. They have no notion of commerce and therefore they need to be put into MICROfinance, MICROenterprise, MICROphilanthropy. The micromanagement and the micronisation of “the native” is also part of native intellectual genocide. They (the accepting natives) accept that we can never be “macro” at any stage. It is impossible for us to own our own economies, the real economies, to manage our own economies, to be the real deciders of our destinies.1Brian Kagoro, Zimbabwean citizen, Pan-Africanist and a constitutional and economic relations lawyer

What is betrayal,
“dark continent”.
Is it only those young or old,
choosing alcohol or drugs.
Gangs, petty theft,
violent protests or crimes,
us middle-class being mugged.

Global leads told us for decades,
postcolonialism was real.
Look, you can vote now,
your leaders look like you.
Just sign on this dotted line,
we will give you room to grow.

But that’s not the real truth, is it?
Thirty, seventy years,
the global media said nothing of note,
Africa was being swindled,
led to believe colonial freedom,
boiled down to a vote.

What in the world is the Bilderberg group?
The invite-only setup.
For Western tech giants, banks,
media, government elites.
Are you wondering why this is messed up?

Because trusted IMF,
sits alongside the Pentagon and Palantir,
western governments and asset managers.
Is global domination exaggerated?
Or just hiding,
behind pale burqas, my dear.

So what is betrayal, ma Africa?
Is it African leaders,
political and business elite,
Revealing after decades,
to be without conscious,
well-compensated or wilfully asleep?

I ask,
because this stuff is getting worse,
every time we open our eyes,
something else is revealed,
Palpatine and Darth Vadar are cartoons,
compared to these guys, gals in heels.

Freedman released the Lisbon agenda,
“AI” came first,
“banking” and “China,”
“Fiscal challenges,”
“India” was top ten,
“Industrial Trade,”
“Transnational threats,” triggering an angina.
Did our corporate elites know about this?
Our so-called Freedom Fighters too?
How can the research pals of Africa’s funders,
be in secret meetings.
Isn’t that weird for you?

Thirty years,
thirty damn years,
we trusted the establishment,
our African elites,

white business minority,
black “non-racial” spears,
they’ve been hiding massive truths,
while they eat.

Then I joined the United Nations Development Programme and we were there empowering communities, building their “capacity”. The people who needed capacity built were the capitalists who kept doing the same old things, even worse would undermine the global ecology, leading to the ecological crisis. And we were not paying attention to the people…In the theory of change, the self seven organising principles that I heard this week that you need to deal with is this idea of altruism of foreign, local, regional rich sugar daddies and sugar mummies; that their private preference and personal fixations should be appreciated no matter how disconnected they are from our own development aspirations as a collective (African) people. Now, the power asymmetry of getting a billionaire to ask only one poor community, what they want, when they don’t have information on what’s possible. It sounds so good, it sounds so empowering. “I come from the left. The people must decide. The local must decide.” And localism in the context of power and information asymmetries becomes the worst form of enslavement...Racialised outcomes are not dependent on the colour of the person implementing the project or the system. And so, you can be analysing each other on the basis of the colour of your skin but racialised outcomes are about a system that produces the same. You can produce apartheid without a single white person in the State because applying certain principles, certain approaches, certain tools gives you the outcomes of separate development. And that is what this localism brings. This localism is a dangerous ideology. 2Brian Kagoro, Zimbabwean citizen, Pan-Africanist and a constitutional and economic relations lawyer

Mr Renaissance,
gets dragged out of retirement,
note, just before the election,
tells us to be neutral in genocide,
but Tutu warned,
about siding with oppressors.
Then, after his neutrality claim,
Baba pro-IMF,
says Ukraine’s Russia war,
is a proxy flaw,
he waited for Biden to pull out,
repeating what Socialism said,
what the hell for?

Did anyone mention Bilderberg?
The WEF secret meet.
What does this mean for Africa?
Who is,
How are they coming for African seats?
Is it not bad enough,
our elites betrayed,
thirty, seventy years,
a knife they stuck in,
signing finance deals,
tees and cees applied.
It was not their place to decide,
if and what we should win.

Now, lo and behold,
there is more,
normie Africans do not know.
You took money,
from “rules-based order”,
without asking whose rules,
we would be forced follow.
Damn, African leaders suck!
Business elites have no soul.
The establishment,
of media propagandists,
who point here, there,
without telling us much at all.
You African elites,
should be ashamed,
but you won’t be.
All across Africa, you betray.
The black/white,
middle-class askaris,
well paid.
The white/black,
minority elites,
who play the game.
Literate academic drones,
from critically-dof,
posh schools who reign.

At the root of imperialism is merely an economic structure, the purpose of which is to exploit, preserving the wealth and finance of the ruling class (the owners and controllers of countries) at all times. So when you have a system, which is (fundamentally) an economic system that depends on exploitation, it means there is a preservation of consistent inequality.3Elina Xenophontos, international law and economic globalisation specialistIn reality, the (US) dollar system is an imperialist system, in which the US imports the wealth produced by workers around the world and US capitalist oligarchs get richer and richer, holding onto these assets (the value of which is artifically inflated like stocks, US government bonds and real estate) because capitalists around the world hold their wealth in the form of the US dollar. As countries de-dollarise and people no longer hold onto dollarised assets, there will be less demand, those assets will decrease in value, the oligarchs in the US will no longer benefit, which means they will try to pressurise the government to threaten countries that de-dollarise.4Benjamin Norton, investigative journalist, analyst, founder and editor of Geopolitical Economy Report

We find out,
thirty years too late,
the Freedom fighters,
made guarantees,
at mining indabas,
to never nationalise,
diminishing foreign hauls.
We find out thirty years,
too late,
networks in construction,
now called mafia. That’s cute!
Show me industry-per-industry,
left to benefit…
How laughable.

What’s more, in a situation mirroring the current Petrobas corruption case in Brazil, South African construction companies managed to fleece the government of $5 billion dollars by overcharging for construction contracts leading up to the 2010 World Cup. Scandals like these are common in South Africa and hamper the state’s ability to deliver on long-term infrastructure projects. More broadly, they are evidence of a state rife with factionalism, patronage networks, and, especially at the local level, an absence of functioning governance mechanisms. It’s telling that despite the country’s abundant natural resources, power outages have become a regular feature of daily life in South Africa, costing the economy billions of dollars a year. South Africa’s new black bourgeoisie lacks the institutional power to remedy any of this — many have lined their pockets with scraps from older and paler capitalists (such as mines purchased with state money by politically connected families), lucrative state contracts, or by playing middleman to foreign companies. Of course, this is nothing unusual. Domestic capitalists have undermined development programs in many postcolonial states, and the old distinction between a comprador bourgeoisie tied to metropolitan firms and a national bourgeoisie invested in building a nation’s productive forces is highly suspect. Perhaps no figure personifies this better than Cyril Ramaphosa, the deputy president of South Africa and a key negotiator during the talks between the ANC and National Party that ended apartheid. Formerly a militant unionist, Ramaphosa has become one of the country’s richest men, acquiring wealth through the active patronage of South Africa’s old apartheid-era captains of industry.5 Benjamin Fogel, historian and contributing editor at Africa is a Country

Where are the boundaries to betrayal?
For ma Africa,
there are none,
silent cartoonists drew,
lady justice being raped,
but not by foreign, domestic,
corporates who stun.
We were told corruption,
only started in 2009,
Zuma’s government,
too trusted or trusting,
Guptas selling “white monopoly capitalist” lies,
But were they lies?
Or is it kinda true?
Who are the corporate elites in South Africa?
Are they non-racial?
Or from the minority few?
But let’s not forget,
domination cannot exist without help,
who are their little helpers,
saying minority domination,
is the rainbow that sells.
Yeah, they dragged old Renaissance,
out into the spotlight,
rickety ol’ Joy mentioned little,
inequity kept constant,
by elite entitlement,
He said nothing,
sweet old man,
about the mining indaba guarantees,
he said nothing,
about anti-competitiveness,
the union-busting,
fixed-term contracts, bilateral treaties,
below-inflation or frozen salaries.

This system is not about,
working your way to just outcomes.
It’s about crushing competition,
a growing monopolisation,
extracting more, for less,
from customers and workers alike,
tees and cees,
contractual run-around-legal-teams,
all devised to prevent mass realisation.

While accepting these assurances, the (South African Competition) Tribunal had laid the condition that this (workers) retrenchment should not be undertaken for at least three years from the (companies) merger, and that no retrenchments other than these 277 should result from the merger. Clover had also assured the Tribunal that within five years of merger, the corporation would create 550 new jobs by expanding the so-called Project Masakhane, aimed at widening its distribution network…The unions’ mistrust of these assurances were proven correct when Clover, in the retrenchment (Section 189A) notices it has recently (in 2022) issued, stated its intention to carry out a “restructuring which will affect 7,382 jobs inside of Clover and its subsidiaries”. 1,418 positions have been “earmarked by Clover as being redundant”, which implies that it “certainly has contemplated [at least] 1,418 job losses”, the unions argued. GIWUSA’s president Sebei said that among 1,418 employees are many “that were going to be involved in the Project Masakhane…including the management. There is no way Clover is going to implement the project by destroying the capacity for implementation of that project, which is one of the conditions.” Sebei further argued that the three year moratorium (ending in October 2022) imposed by the Tribunal on retrenchments under Project Sencillo had also been violated. More than 800 workers, Sebei maintains, were forced to take voluntary severance packages (VSPs). “But there was nothing voluntary about it. Because the changes in conditions of employment included relocation of workplaces to hundreds of kilometers away from their homes in inland regions to coastal cities, where they would not be able to afford a living on the wages they earn,” he argued. One of the merger conditions requires Clover to make reasonable contributions towards the relocation costs of affected employees.6

Look around you, black child,
not at me,
your minority brown or white buddy,
Look at how they tricked you, how you lie to yourself,
cash is not ownership, it’s comfort,
not justice,
your majority wealth buggy.

A similar point can be made concerning the impact of neoliberal policies on food export prices. One of the main imperatives of neoliberal policies in agriculture is to shift production from subsistence crops or crops for domestic market consumption to export crops. One of the favourites in Africa was cocoa. Within a short time many governments throughout Africa were being urged to incentivize cocoa production for the world market. At first there was a slight rise in prices in the early 1980s but between 1986 and 1993 the price of African cocoa collapsed about 60% according to the UNCTAD Trade and Development Report. Undoubtedly, there are many reasons why prices fluctuate, but there is no doubt that the increased number of farmers incentivized in the period before 1986 to turn to cocoa farming inevitably glutted the market and drove the price down precipitously. This should have not been surprising, since such a result would have been an elementary conclusion from anyone versed in introductory economics. In this presentation I argue that the apocalyptic failure of neoliberalism in Africa is actually planned and reminiscent of the paleo-liberal strategy of the British state in the famines in Ireland and India and the Clearances of the Scottish Highlands in the 19th century.7

The people that own the assets,
own Africa’s south.
Everything in the land,
nearly all above is theirs.
And are these owners,
of government debt and assets,
mostly you, black ideals?
No, darling,
with liberal capitalism,
that was deliberately kept real.

The Rockefellers’ funded the Marxist-Leninist project, and that is the precise term that they used, because they wanted to fund and support forms of theoretical production that was perhaps knowledgeable of Marxism and Leninism but took strong positions against them. What the capitalist ruling class and the bourgeois State managers generally supported was Socialism, meaning “compatible left Socialism” (it could be social democratic, it could anarchist, it could be liberal or libertarian) over Communism, by which they actually understood to be Socialism. What they wanted to do was drive a wedge in the left between the Socialists and the Communists, and then denigrate and neutralise the hard-left or existing Socialist left, in favour of favouring and supporting what is now the liberal left, then was the Social Democratic-left. 8Gabriel Rockhill, co-author of “Western Marxism: How it was Born, How it Died, How it can be Reborn”

The rainbow-coloured successes,
turned kleptocrats,
where are they in this season of struggle.
Sending money overseas?
Living in mansions?
Getting middle-class askaris,
to mouth their empty drivel.

Thirty years,
what did you actually get?
The right to apply for a job,
beach access, running water.
They protested land reform,
price gouged in lockdowns,
Capetonians refused vaccines,
shouted multivitamins,
but didn’t mention,
ginger selling for exorbitant dollars.

Do you really think yourself,
so gullible, black child?
Falling for half-truths,
well-timed faux courage,
This Capitalism Clean-up Plan,
masquerading as saviourism,
is GNU rubbish.

Africa has suffered so much and continues to suffer because of the imperialists. These imperialists hold only one cliché in mind, that Africa is the empire of slaves. This is how they see Africa. For them, Africans belong to them, our land belongs to them, our subsoils belong to them. But how does it proceed? They place local servants at the head of their subprefecture to be able to feed them. These local vassals that we will qualify today as “living room slaves” have no other reference point but to seek to live like the master, to satisfy the master and to do everything that the master dictates. He steals, he pinches from the States, brings everything to the master and their wealth is kept in the master’s safe. When the master orders, they execute…They like to say every year in their economic survey that Burkino (Faso) is the poorest country, Mali is the poorest country, Niger is the poorest country. We are ranked among the last. Very well. If we are as poor as they say, when the time came to take our responsibilities, we asked these masters to leave the place…Why don’t they (non-African foreign military) want to leave?9 —Ibrahim Traoré, President of Burkina Faso

The trickle-down that doesn’t trickle,
Quite frankly, what did we expect?
More of us living in neofeudalist times,
paying at every turn,
increasing fees and rents.
We assume trickle-down,
leads to social reform,
but Prof. Dean says it could get worse,
a serf nightmare,
of upward enrichment,
surveillance, our democracies deformed.
Sound familiar, South Africa?
What happened in our thirty years,
beyond Fees Must Fall,
thirteen thousand five hundred protests.
Every year, our national jol,
and all the while,
royalty sent their kids,
to private school halls.

I would take Leon, Zille,
Musi-Steen seriously,
if their children had attended Manenberg,
abided by Mitchell’s Plein rules.
Dunno, maybe that’s heresy.
If Zuma’s kids were educated,
near Nkandla’s pool.
If Gordhan’s girls,
attended Phoenix schools,
or sat on Shallcross, Avoca,
or Overport stools.
But they didn’t,
did they?
And we all know why?
The people’s reps, our public servants,
did not want their precious kids,
living under cloudy, trickle-down skies.
So, of course now,
you can push back,
on tax abuse,
and low tax frames,
Of course, you want to mention,
land access,
and entrepreneurial fame,
you were supposed to be the experts,
a trusted GNU way back when,
you were supposed to,
put down minority domination,
and say, this is how “we” win,
but someone, everyone,
seems to have made a deal,
a Faustian handshake,
with foreign big wheels.
And so, here we are,
GNU round two,
listening to PR kak,
because they are lost on what to do,
trying weak push backs,
on the nutcases,
who tell majority us,
they’ll bring jobs,
if we can sign away,
our minimum wage demands.

In spite of this evidence, South Africa is deepening its implementation of austerity policies.
Despite commitments to counter-cyclical policies in the 2014-2019 Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), between 2014/15 and 2018/19, South Africa’s average non-interest expenditure growth —spending on government goods, services and salaries upon which many South Africans are reliant — barely kept up with population growth. This spending grew at an average rate of 1.8% over five years, compared to population growth of 1.6%. Average non-interest expenditure growth in the last three years has been 0.9%, well below population growth for that period. What this means is that, despite the massive social challenges in areas such as health and education that face South Africa, spending per person on meeting these needs has fallen in recent years. The increase in the VAT rate from 14 to 15% as of April 2018 also represents a clearly retrogressive austerity measure, reducing the incomes of poor and low-income households. Austerity has undermined the realisation of constitutionally-enshrined rights. For example, despite servicing 83% of the population, health spending per uninsured person has only increased by 1.7% on average (in real terms) from 2014/15 to 2018/19, in the context of a rising burden of disease and high medical price inflation. This accounts for a range of negative health outcomes. Similarly, in education, learner spending has been steadily decreasing for years — it fell by 8% in real terms from R17 822 in 2010 to R16 435 in 2017. This is despite 78% of Grade 4 learners being unable to read for meaning. Although debt levels are used to justify austerity, South Africa’s debt is not high by international norms. According to the International Monetary Fund, emerging market and middle-income country debt levels are projected to reach, on average, 61.2% in 2024, while advanced country debt averaged 104.0% of GDP in 2019.

I would take all of the elites,
our political sweets,
more seriously,
if they argued for pay back,
top-down reparations,
a more fair austerity.
I would take all of the elites,
more seriously,
if they told us in 1993,
about the IMF loan,
and the impact of interest rates,
on lower class dignity.
I would trust their ideas,
if I believed,
that they truly represented,
the ordinary man and woman,
but they have long shown,
they’re out for their own “independence”,
fundamentally, elite self-serving wins.

In the UK, Shrubsole says,
1% of the population,
owns 50% of the land.
Our colonisers,
have their own divisional trickle-down,
banding their little lambs.
While billionaire authors,
lose their minds over trans and gender,
UK is being crushed,
called a vassal state,
by investment contenders.
Flying broom,
isn’t cutting herself up,
over British disabled,
having their State funds cut.
Sky News goes on and on,
about leftist this or that.
Tell us little to nothing about economic struggle,
the system’s structures,
vines of genocide complicity.
Oh I guess, they’d rather not.

Some of the coloniser’s people,
come to my African home,
my birthplace, not theirs,
they marry in-country,
and start to make demands,
arguing an entire piece of Africa,
is “culturally” theirs,
while no relation to it forebears…

sweet Britannia, upper-class twit,
understand one thing about true Africans,
irrespective of colour.
If you threaten,
to cut up our mother,
you will wish,
you had stayed home,
instead of getting on a plane or a ship.
Love for homeland,
will find you,
in that Cape delusion,
your golf estates,
no need for violence or weapons,
just creativity,
to fight neo-colonisers,
who threaten our wholly land,
our true African independence.
You are not born from African hands.
Your allegiance is clearly poisoned,
You don’t get to demand,
any part of our mother,
go home,
if you have a problem,
with the majority African view.
We can put you on a dinghy tonight, Earl Grey!
Send you back,
with shortbread, gammon and a few pints of beer.
Do not threaten to colonise,
carve up,
our black Africa,
her body and face,
to us, is very dear.

It is unacceptable for kin,
to promote the stealing,
of provincial harbours or country colours.
Our mother Africa,
is one being,
not a house you can subdivide,
pulling off a scam with your selfish smugglers.
There are KZN families,
descended from the Western Cape,
you will make them pseudo foreigners,
in their province, in their continent,
because you and coloniser feel entitled to a stake.
Shame on our African kin.
We have had enough problems.
Why would they add more?
So self-absorbed,
they can’t help,
but hoard and hoard and hoard.

Broer, look at what trickle-down has done to you,
Those born to ma Africa’s breast.
You can’t imagine being whole.
You can’t bear to be patriotic,
traitorous at every turn,
you never rest.
This federalist move is treasonable,
and if it’s not, it should be.
Hiding colonisation,
under federalism,
playing a game of minority control,
can’t you see the boomerang effect?
This Orania,
your wannabe role.

This is tiresome, you say.
You just want “them”,
to take what is rightfully “ours”.
Upper classes,
in cahoots with smudged middle glasses,
darlings, are we still playing the game of “get away”?
Get away from us,
our minority wealth accumulation.
Get away from our urban or rural land.
Get away from our resources,
manganese, platinum or gold.
Get away from what we are used to,
minority domination,
comfort and control.
Our right to wine farms,
five-ten million Rand homes,
Why don’t you majority just die already,
and leave us minority elites alone.
That’s why almost a hundred elites,
flew to murder Palestinian children.
They’re not the working schmucks of Africa,
living in inaffordable,
or exhausted houses.
They’re not the black,
brown or white people,
grinding down with debt and despair.
No, they can afford to fly to kill,
with passports: South African.
Killing occupied tents,
makes them jump in the air.

It is the capacity to live in truth, when you face despotic power that terrifies despotic power. Because those within the systems of power understand how corrupt and broken it is. And I can see it, unfortunately I have relatives who work on Wall Street, who are as cynical as I am on where we are going. I’m not a cynic, they’re cynical because their response is they’re going to steal as much and as fast as they can on the way down. And their cynicism is, if you understand then why don’t you do the same.11 —Chris Hedges, author of “America: The Farewell Tour” and American journalist

But for real,
our elites don’t see race.
they only see green,
sometimes backed by gold.
No one is more “not-racist”,
than corporate,
and political elites,
who made and make deals,
while Africans hustled,
for performance salary growth.
Don’t believe me?
how many upper classes,
flooded corporate, social media,
told us we needed to privatise,
privatise more,
energy, water, healthcare…
go ahead, ask your readers informed.
They said little,
about the privatising,
of urban lands now for-profit,
middle-class housing,
turned into private estates,
education’s private land,
their profits unruffled.
You cannot hear or see,
these pro-profiting experts en masse,
they’re now too worried,
about Pan Africanism,
African socialism is what they harass.
The influencers of trust,
keep selling dirty, half-baked cakes,
telling the ordinary, just wait,
capitalist trickle-down can work,
centuries too late.
People are dead, buddy!
Africa’s walking dead,
were left starving, haggling for more,
while Finance Ministers piled on interest rates,
the rich got richer,
their widespread corporate sins ignored.
But the Guptas?
The State’s poor service?
Top of the media agenda,
ask them about deliberate deindustrialisation,
why, how, always for more.
The political black,
corporate white,
are friends, partners in play,
not backstabbers like ordinary us,
who reject public housing,
in “their” areas they should stay.

Thirty years,
the people’s dignity at risk,
going or fully gone,
but you’ll see,
once you leave the country,
we are no longer alone.
Europeans sigh,
over two-to-three month deposits back home,
wondering why long lists,
for public housing,
can’t keep up with demand,
in the top ten wealthiest,
their first-world model alarm.
Where is the money?
Where is all the world’s wealth going?

We know it’s not spent on innovation,
across most of the world.
But spyware,
online tracking and surveillance?
Collecting data for States,
and corporate tech kings.
Weapons that kill more swiftly?
AI robots telling us,
we humans are inefficient.
Of course, we spend money on that,
then there’s the bunkers,
billionaires are building,
preparing for the end of times.
Zuckerberg has doomsday plans,
but won’t push back,
on military carbon waste signs.

Ma Africa has no idea,
what’s next is deeper despair.
Global this time,
not just us,
and here we are arguing,
over whether taking our resources is fair and just.
Gosh, bigger picture, people,
it’s painful, I know,
most of the world,
is sliding into hellscape,
soon it will be your rainbow upper-middle,
trickle-down toes.

You cannot wait another thirty years,
you have to restructure,
redesign now,
the continent has to unite,
without real unity,
you’re easy pickings for the scramble crowd.

But is all this the real betrayal Africa?
I don’t know…
I am beginning to wonder,
if class brothers,
in foreign lands,
should be held to a mirror.

I hear this constantly, isn’t it better that it’s us? Isn’t it better that we are on top, that we are the empire because if it wasn’t us, it would be a country that does worse things.12Abby Martin, a journalist, host of The Empire Files video series, and director of “Earth’s Greatest Enemy

While they dish out local news,
US election, domination loss,
our class brothers, their unions,
their mainstream masses offer little critique,
on censoring Pan-African media,
it begins, the strong arm chokehold clique.

Excerpt from: African Stream is under attack, Sep 28 2024,

How familiar this sounds,
our African elites,
complicitly asleep,
deathly silent on the shutting down,
of African independence as Western pressure mounts.

Excerpt from: African Broadcasters Accused of Disinformation by the West, Oct 6 2024,

Are our elites,
fans of neo-colonialism, much?
But only from trans-atlantic,
those who maintain their elite minority lunch.
What else do they choose to keep quiet,
What else are we unaware of,
manufactured consent,
that never grows old.

Basically we have monopoly capital that controls the majority of what everybody sees and hears. The mindscape, not only of US citizenry, there’s a cultural imperialism that’s operative. It’s blasted all over the broader world. These cultural industries also work hand-in-glove with the bourgeois State. At certain levels there is distinctions between the private and public realm, but the way in which the US state operates, a large part of its intelligence services work in propaganda, that’s their principle function…The bourgeois State works hand-in-glove with these culture industries and with the internationalisation of these culture industries in order to pump out as much as possible an image of the United States that inverts reality…The culture industry is a product of the bourgeois cultural apparatus, I simply mean the entire system of production, circulation and consumption of culture. It is not individual newspapers, book publishers or universities, it is a systematic framework that is driven by the capitalist base because those are the funders. It includes things like universities and the mainstream press, but it also includes the universities, the system of knowledge production that goes into universities, the think tanks, the NGO world for that matter. All of it needs to be seen as a system that manages the production, circulation and consumption of knowledge.13 – Gabriel Rockhill, co-author of “Western Marxism: How it was Born, How it Died, How it can be Reborn”

And where is,
our own not-so-independent media.
Irrelevant I am sure.
Maverick, my ass.
Taking money,
from Biden’s open democracy budget,
hiding your dollar cash,
SA’s homegrown,
upper-class hustlers.

While African funding in theory,
is not bad.
the foreign control,
vested elite interests,
are duplicitously sad.
The temptation to cross boundaries,
perpetuating foreign narratives by omission,
watered-down falsehoods well-grounded.
Why did Multichoice not ban CNN?
Were there not propaganda points,
shared and distributed,
in respect of a genocidal win.
Why did Multichoice not warn CNN,
when they claimed Niamey, Niger,
was full of elites,
one of the poorest nations,
whose uranium lights up French streets,
their democratic “right to vote” is pretty neat.

You might think, Oh this is just something happening over there, 6000 miles away. It doesn’t affect me. Israel is carrying out this genocide with a new system, its called The Gospel. It is an artificial intelligence targetting system that generates targets in record time and allows Israel to kill and target families in their homes through a computer without human intervention. And it’s being developed by companies in the United States like Palantir. And when Israel is done testing these weapons, these Sky Net weapons, which recall the opening scenes of Terminator 2, the war of the humans against the machine, they’re going to export them (these weapons) to any country, to any government that has a restive population, that resists, that refuses to take a knee.14Max Blumenthal, author of “The Management of Savagery: How America’s National Security State Fueled the Rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Donald Trump”

Africa has been lied to,
Her children complicit in her harm,
Cancerous foreign military warts,
media parroting stalwarts,
elites betrayed our mother,
stabbed her in the back,
their allegiance sworn.
to themselves or someone else’s mom

In the meantime,
Southern Africa’s black child is scared,
while they watch Traoré,
launch Burkindlim,
the state bank,
a public solar power plant is coming,
while South Africans suffered wet kindling.

Very few African countries have satellites. When there was a desire to ensure that you have your own satellites to help you with all sorts of data of intelligence and also gathering, it was torpedoed by some of our own people, who said it’s too expensive. And yet, for us to understand what’s happening in our geospatial space, even underground to know how many or how much minerals we have, we now have to go to those who have the technology. Clearly, how do you do liberation when you depend on funding to do it, you depend on external data to do it, you depend on external expertise to do it, you depend on external technology to do it. I am not saying never use external resources and technology. It has now been discovered that the African genome, the black gene, possesses a lot of solutions to both current and future global health challenges. So, there is a contest over our [African] genes! But when you ask us [Africans] where do we want to invest? We want to build a new parliament building…Come on, people, we can blame colonialism for many things, but we need to inspect our own heads.15Brian Kagoro, Zimbabwean citizen, Pan-Africanist and a constitutional and economic relations lawyer

Corporates can sacrifice,
what ordinary people can’t afford.
Take back our resources,
our mines,
stop bartering for freedom.
Ma Africa’s no whore.
British, Euro,
American, Chinese,
Arab, Indian,
I’m being serious now.
What are you waiting for?
Hoping Kamala, why not bomb Ramallah,
Trump, finish the job,
Biden, defence is one way,
is going to let you go far.
China’s building what should be ours,
they design and build,
leaving our millionaires, billionaires to simp.
African child, put down your beggars bowl!
This is your home,
despite the gay tonne suck-up act,
comparing Lesotho to Palestine,
madir, please read a book, Finkelstein smacks.

Elites fund,
they influence our media,
they have funded,
influence our leaders,
they exert control,
over every business,
every employer,
they can afford assassins,
foreign diplomat meetings before votes,
spewing “democratic values”, their thick molasses.

The system of power-play,
you Africans are up against,
the real rugby World Cup,
is organised as F.
Anyone who does not want freedom,
their identity crisis is their mess.

I am very careful about assumptions that somehow black people are the primary victims, there is a lot of discussion about pain and injury, which of course is very important, but sometimes it serves as a barrier to developing solidarity, to developing the kind of hyper-empathy we were talking about. From where I stand, the importance of black people in the Americas resides precisely in the fact that there has been an ongoing freedom struggle for centuries and centuries. This (struggle against anti blackness) is more about freedom than it is about blackness, because there are also black people participating in the oppressive apparatus.16Angela Davis, author of “Abolition. Feminism. Now.

Vasyl Muravytskyi started yelling,
on how people,
are being arrested,
for questioning war in Ukraine,
yet media’s not telling.
Zelenscream wants refugees sent back,
to face,
and likely fight in war,
Ukrainian boys who were 16,
would now be eligible,
…poor little dolls.
Imagine what it’s like?
The terror of pagers,
blowing up on your belt,
this Lebanon situation is out of control,
and no one of influence,
is saying cool off, man,
this doesn’t help!

This is an existential war. That is what the acts of resistence have said and that is something Israel is basically operating on, that the Middle East needs to be reshaped in Israel’s image. Back before October 7th, when the Abraham Accords were happening, Netanyahu had gone before the UN General Assembly and had an infographic of the “new Middle East” that was being formed, one that was surrounded by these agreements that were going to happen with Saudi Arabia and the UAE and other nations, bypassing “the Palestinian issue”. Israel was able to form these agreements without them (the Palestinians). And when that was obviously not the case anymore, October 7th happened, and things were forcefully reoriented. The “Palestinian problem” was reestablished (as) forefront, Netanyahu had to forcefully pull it back in the way he wanted to. And now that he sees that the Israeli establishment sees that opportunity, with the (Western) media behind them, with the (US) government behind them, even if the (US) population is not with them, they need to seize it. They need to get it, all of it, and I really do mean all of it. Right now, there are Israelis talking about not only striking Lebanon or Syria, they’re talking about striking Iran. There are pressure groups in this that are talkng about “settling” South LebanonThe way it’s been portrayed in the media. The idea that Nasrallah was so unreasonable to connect these two fronts (the tactical cross-border firing between Israel and Lebanon and the Gaza Genocide), even though that’s what they’ve been saying from the beginning (i.e. Lebanon’s Hezbollah making regional peace contingent on a ceasefire in Gaza), it is symptomatic of this larger attempt, however inane, to say that all these different conflicts in the region are disconnected. They can all be dealt with separately. We don’t need to focus on the one thing that is governing all of this. And then what happens, the inferno continues because you’re not actually addressing what is the case. It was a similar thing with Yemen, at the beginning of Operation Prosperity Guardianthe idea that they (Lebanon) would just sit back because the heat is getting too hot, no one is going to agree to that. Nasrallah is (was) not going to agree to that, the Houthis are not going to agree to that, Iran is not going to agree to that. And you know this deep down, so essentially you are giving them an ultimatum that is going to fail. And then you will have your excuse to kill.17Séamus Malekafzali, journalist and writer primarily focusing on the politics of the Middle East

With all this,
Africans need to grow up,
asking for finance,
Kagoro’s right,
about top-heavy weakness,
Africans have been through enough,
even with decimating Obama eras.
Pan Africanists can learn,
grow their own stuff.
You need defence?
Sure, build your own nuclear support,
Take your continent,
Africa is your soil.
You need development,
you can finance, sustain,
manage your own teams,
don’t be infected by aging elite,
low self-esteem.

Multipolarity is almost here,
despite what global news spout.
China is dumping US securities,
stocking up on gold,
EU can’t carry on pretending,
wishing Churchill,
or Truman were still around.
Africa must learn from this mistake,
evolve now,
take back its resources,
get your heads in the game and out of the ground.

In the meantime,
almost a hundred and sixty thousand,
incarcerated in 2023,
South Africa does not tell us,
how many come from,
our sick poverty’s streets.

How many come,
from parentless homes,
abused or guardian neglect,
whether corrupt justice,
locked up innocence,
to close cases,
shoved into rape fiestas,
shit out of luck.

If you’re telling me that in your mind black people are more likely to commit crime, and that’s why we have [the police practice of] stop and frisk, well, who are they selling those drugs to? Isn’t possession of a controlled substance a crime, too? How many houses have you raided in the Upper East Side or the Upper West Side [of New York]? How many doors have you kicked down in Tribeca? How many rich, white businessmen on Wall Street have you [racially] profiled for stealing money? Millions of dollars…way more than any black kid could carry in his pockets that you stopped and frisked. But he’s the danger to society?18Felipe Andres Coronel, better known by the stage name Immortal Technique, is an American rapper and activist

When non-racialism,
or everyone’s tough-on-crime,
stand behind podiums to tell us,
we should make slaves,
of our prisoners while breathing,
we say nothing,
because black immigrants disgust us,
the brown poor too,
put them in chains, kill them in droves,
the machine should only work,
for comfortable middle-class you.

When we hear,
overcrowding stands,
at over two hundred percent,
or that banned solitary,
is “segregation” now,
mental illness or disability,
stuck without a place to rent.

Yes, yes, yes,
keep quiet, you say
of no consequence,
is this, your speech,
the work horses, the ordinary class,
prefer us and our hay.
The link between Cape gangs,
and apartheid’s land theft,
income exclusion,
those forget-the-past hands.
The link between,
public official enrichment,
and gang sustenance.
Should we forget,
CIA propped up,
crack/cocaine US dealings,
ensuring their hands were rinsed.
Back home,
costly sky eye surveillance,
is what we opt for,
sending military intervention,
strong-man posturing,
but no one asked,
why sons chose unlawful insurrection.

The gang men,
guilty of cruelty,
violence for profit,
where do they come?
From poor Cape Coloured streets,
not a Martian space rocket.
Any black South or African,
caged like an unwanted pet,
comes from where?
Brutalised, exploited Africa, no less.
Indian and white criminals,
tattooed and tough,
trigger-happy seeds,
ready to rule through fear,
they are the white and brown unseen.

Every criminal pipeline,
like any business has two sides,
Supply and Demand,
we give, we want,
we’re ready, we need,
there are no free rides.

Focussing on Supply,
but only on dealers,
hijackers or robbers,
not on circumstances,
that lead to their choices,
these our disingenuous distractions,
your selective doxxers.

Sometimes the State is very efficient in repressing expressions of poverty or very efficient at protecting a few elites, especially foreign elites. The State never fails to protect multinational companies, each time any of their properties or interests are at stake, but the State sometimes grows amnesia when there is a threat to poor people or the poorest of the people. Which means colleagues, if we are thinking of insecurity, ultimately, there is now a marketplace for and of the means of violence. And the merchants of that marketplace are drawn from various levels of society, including the global. For instance, in some of the countries that are listening to me now, there are local militias or defence units (sometimes we call them some other names); we have gangs: gangs that control the extraction of gold, the extraction of minerals; gangs that control narcotics, that control the trafficking of women and girls. Whether it is Zama Zama in South Africa or Makorokoza in Zimbabwe…Of course, we have national armies, police and intelligence. It is not always clear who or what they are protecting.19Brian Kagoro, Zimbabwean citizen, Pan-Africanist and a constitutional and economic relations lawyer

Are there organised networks?
Of course, there are!
When upper-middle class stores,
bought stolen gold thaalis,
my Dad joked, they’re entrepreneurial stars.
When Wolf of Wall Street,
hoodwinked ordinary people,
he got a book deal,
a blockbuster movie, speaking events,
the all-American bootstrap seal.
There are companies,
buying stolen parts,
overseas elites,
trafficking kids,
are we so naïve,
to think drug manufacturers,
are teachers,
bored with their chemistry beat.

But Supply goes beyond wrong doing,
it includes “the why”.
If your life has little meaning,
or prospect for growth,
you are more likely,
to say goodbye.
The morality cliché,
you choose to be lazy,
easy to say,
for the already comfortable,
it’s propaganda from haves,
or vote-for-me unoriginals.

The system,
an economic, social ladder,
creates the context of pain,
then points to consequences,
I am blameless,
it feigns.

Let me tell you,
what I said to a student of late,
if you’re poor in Africa,
it’s because the system ensures,
allows it,
then calls you an ingrate.

If you suffer crime,
it is because the system serves you,
plasters over gunshot wounds,
system change,
context-driven policies,
they will rue.

If you suffer racism,
the system ensures you do,
or allowing it,
complicity culture baked-in,
for their benefit, not new.

If you suffer injustice,
in name only,
car guard, security guard,
lucky to afford mash and polony,
mfwethu, the system put you there,
keeps you in the rut,
then tells you to pick up boot straps,
when you’re bootless,
leaving you to wade through the muck.

Private military companies from America, from France, from wherever, and external special forces are present. Constantly assuring us that we are insecure and that they have brought security, but constantly unable to deal with the so-called minor problem of our insecurity. So, [from] whole governments, foreign money is pouring into parts of this continent, whether it is in Sudan or elsewhere, money is pouring from foreign governments. That money is not solving the extent of violence, it is not solving the insecurity, the forced displacement, but it’s pouring. And some of it is being accrued as a debt by the people who are subject to the insecurity. The one thing though as my brother Minister Diop will tell you, even in this period of insecurity on whether a foreign army is present, and special forces and private military companies were assuring any form of security, the one thing that remained secure was the gold moving out of our countries unprocessed, was the ore, the critical minerals were things that were being taken…Esteemed members of the security forces and diplomats, stop sleeping walking. [When it comes to] Security challenges in Africa, we are often brought into a Premier League of pettiness, Minister. They tell you the reason why these people are fighting is because of tribalism, Islam, Christianity, pastoralism, and I say, Ha! And they just started fighting some more the minute you discovered gold, the minute you discovered chrome, the minute you discovered cobalt?20Brian Kagoro, Zimbabwean citizen, Pan-Africanist and a constitutional and economic relations lawyer

Then the distractions come,
“the country’s bankrupt”.
With the world’s largest manganese reserves.
Hear me out,
someone’s enjoying our mineral rush.

Miss SA,
why is she African?
they all end up on Top Billing,
we’re seriously going to argue,
over thirst traps in crowns…

There goes a Russian spy bot,
What about the rooted,
foreign tentacle condition.
Why does Monsanto,
have special South African laws,
to control our seeds,
creating a farmer practice abolition.

Over there,
more racist behaviour on streets,
what a surprise…NOT!
You could bring antiracism,
to schools and colleges,
but then how would you guarantee,
future voting slots.

Distracting worker bees,
can’t be our best,
I don’t envy the government’s struggle.
But system outcomes,
must come before personal choices,
or you’re still manipulating,
the many born into trouble.

Prison was meant to reform,
not cage human beings,
for being poor,
reckless, violent,
cruel or thieving,
we’re still talking about our urban,
lower-class Darfurs.

Punishing the masses for the system,
when our elites,
held the keys,
since then or before,
since 1994,
Freedom Fighters sat back,
begging for inclusion, Geez Louise.

Institute real change,
confront sexism and misogyny,
dismantle subordinate power,
take back our strategic resources,
stop begging,
for a changed physiology.

Should we fight,
against the prospect,
of authoritarianism in suits.
Hundred percent!
But in reality,
we have minority domination,
western manipulation,
mass foreign extraction,
baked-in corruption and widespread exploitation
…you know the rest.

  1. Comments by Brian Kagoro, The African Philanthropy Conference in Zimbabwe, 2024 ↩︎
  2. Ibid ↩︎
  3. Comments by Elina Xenophontos, Media Crackdown as Imperialists prepare for 3-Front War, August 2024, Colonial Outcasts Podcast ↩︎
  4. Trump’s threat to punish countries that drop US dollar will speed up de-dollarization, Geopolitical Economy Report, Sep 2024 ↩︎
  5. South Africa Doesn’t Need a “Lula Moment”, Benjamin Fogel,, 17 Dec 2015 ↩︎
  6. South African dairy worker strike continues as inquiry looms over Clover Industries, Pavan Kulkarni, Jan 2022, ↩︎
  7. Neoliberalism in Africa, Apocalyptic Failures and Business as Usual Practices, George Caffentzis, Alternatives: Turkish Journal of International Relations, Vol 1 No. 3, Fall 2002, ↩︎
  8. Comments by Gabriel Rockhill, US protests and Marxist critique of Žižek, Foucault, Arendt & Frankfurt School (w Gabriel Rockhill), May 2024, India and Global left ↩︎
  9. Comments by Ibrahim Traoré, 1st Summit AES (African Economic Security) Confederation, 6 July 2024 ↩︎
  10. Sibeko, B. (2019). The cost of austerity: Lessons for South Africa. Institute for Economic Justice Working Paper Series, No 2. ↩︎
  11. Comments by Chris Hedges, The Chris Hedges Report podcast, author of Wages of Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt ↩︎
  12. Abby Martin, Immortal Technique: Civil War, Jan 2023, Empire Files podcast ↩︎
  13. Comments by Gabriel Rockhill, US protests and Marxist critique of Žižek, Foucault, Arendt & Frankfurt School (w Gabriel Rockhill), May 2024, India and Global left ↩︎
  14. Comments by Max Blumenthal, Rage against the War Machine event, Sep 2024, Washington DC ↩︎
  15. Comments by Brian Kagoro, The National Security Symposium in Kigali, Rwanda, May 2024 ↩︎
  16. Comments by Angela Davis, Closing plenary session – Symposium III “Planetary Utopias – Hope, Desire, Imaginaries in a Post-Colonial World” of the “Colonial Repercussions” event series at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin (23 and 24 June 2018) ↩︎
  17. Comments by Séamus Malekafzali on US-Israel Rampage in the Middle East: Barreling towards WWIII, Oct 2024, Empire Files ↩︎
  18. Comments by Immortal Technique, VladTV (djvlad) 27 July 2013 ↩︎
  19. Comments by Brian Kagoro, The National Security Symposium in Kigali, Rwanda, May 2024 ↩︎
  20. Ibid ↩︎


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